Cité des Palmiers Hospital, Douala +237 677 241 034


Home About
Augustin TIOMELA

Founder Director

As a prelude to the systemic upheaval of African countries in in terms of social risks and access to health care for populations, it was necessary to establish a professional base which will adapt and support the establishment of systems of social protection and universal health coverage. A real framework for institutionalizing and supporting the workforce expert and skilled in enabling organizations, institutions, and companies that guarantee the social protection and mutuality to achieve their technical and administrative objectives and financial. It is from this idea that IFOMAS, Institute of Professional Training in Mutuality, was born. and Health Insurance, the first African school purely dedicated to the teaching of workings, techniques and potential advances in the profession. With the main focus of intervention: <b>Recruitment, training, integration of executives and technical agents in the management of mutual social security and health micro-insurance companies, the Mutuality and Social Insurance Training Institute</b> has a mission to offer opportunities primarily to mutual societies and institutions which supervise them to achieve more than 95% of the objectives set, to young people professionals to benefit from guaranteed professional integration, and to the populations to have greater and more flexible access to care as well as to better insure risks social aspects of their daily life Around values ​​such as team spirit, solidarity, leadership, and discipline, the ambitions of IFOMAS will remain focused on a vision of a more protected Africa, better cared for, more developed, every day, every moment, every year.
IFOMAS Managers

A team of experts ready to train and guide you


Executive Assistant

Jerry Thomas NOUGA


Winny NGUEGUIM Danyola

Public Relations

Contact details

Cité des Palmiers Hospital, Douala, Cameroon

Nkomo, IIHEGTD Building, Yaoundé, Cameroon

+237 677 241 034

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